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Training and Work Overview

Training of Engineers, Town Planners, Architects on Earthquake Resistance Methods 
Two days training cum workshop of Engineers, Architects on Earthquake resistance Methods with reference to structural safety and retrofitting was held at Forest Conference Hall, Deorali on 2nd and 3rd March, 2010. 67 Engineers, Town Planners and Architects from different parts of the State participated in the training cum workshop. Professor Dr. Chandan Ghosh, NIDM was the main resource person in the programme. The training workshop was inaugurated by Relief Commissioner Secretary, LR & DMD. 

Training of Engineers, Architects , Government officers and Masons 
Five days training cum workshop was held at District Administrative Centre on retrofitting, structural safety and safe construction practices on 13th to 17th July 2010. 50 participants comprising of practicing engineers, private architects, Government masons and other officials attended the training workshop. 
During the training programme, field visit in different ongoing construction sites were conducted and the participants were made known to various practical construction techniques onsite. 
The main facilitator and resource person for the training workshop for this programme was Professor Dr. Chandan Ghosh, NIDM. 

Orientation cum Training of Nodal Officers 
Orientation cum training of Nodal Officers of all Line departments was organised at NIS Academy, Hotel Mayur on 8th June, 2010 with special reference to the preparation on DM plan and SOPs of concerned department. 37 Nodal Officers participated in the orientation programme. 

Orientation cum Training of Project Officers and Training Officers 
Immediately after the appointment the Project Officers and Training Officers of SSDMA were oriented on different aspects of Disaster Management. They were also given an understanding of road map of SSDMA and the responsibilities as Project Officers, especially to those who has been taking up projects at District levels. 

Training on Safe Construction Practices 
SIRD in collaboration with Sikkim State Disaster Management Authority organised training on safe construction practice to APOs (Civil Engineers) from state Rural Management & Development Department on 20th November, conducted at SIRD complex, Karfectar, Jorethang, Sikkim. The training imparted knowledge on Structural Safety, Seismic resistance practices in construction of buildings with reference to the retrofitting of buildings. 50 participants comprising of Assistant Programme Officers, Civil engineers and Technical Assistants participated in the programme. 
Resource persons facilitating the programme consisted of Project Officers from SSDMA. 

District level Advocacy workshop on mainstreaming DRR into development planning 
Two days, District level Advocacy workshop on mainstreaming DRR into development planning was held at Namchi Degree College, Kamrang, and South Sikkim on 18th & 19th of November. The District Collector along with District Officers, Principals, Professors, Associate Professors, College students and school teachers participated in the workshop. The workshop was attended by over 500 participants. The advocacy on mainstreaming DRR into development planning was highlighted. 
The resource persons were, POs of SSDMA, Fire Officers, DPO and TO, Namchi. The workshop was inaugurated by District Collector, South. 
At the end of the programme a mock drill was also conducted which was supported by Sikkim Fire services, Namchi. 

Training cum Workshop at Gangtok (East Sikkim) 
Training cum workshop of Chief Municipal Officer, Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Councillors, Gangtok was conducted on 12th of October, 2010. The officers were sensitised on the aspects of Disaster Management. The facilitators of the programme were Mr. G. Padmanabhan, Emergency Analyst, GOI UNDP, State Project Officer, DPOs and HR staff, SSDMA. 
Workshop on Capacity Building of NGOs in DRR programme. 

Capacity building of NGOs and CBOs in the DRR 
Capacity building of NGOs and CBOs in the DRR was held on 29th Sepxember, 2010 in order to encourage active involvement in the development process of DRR. Two workshops at Raley and Bakcha, on East and North District respectively organised. 
A total of 45 NGOs/ representatives participated in the workshop. 
POs of SSDMA were the key facilitators in the above programme. 

Capacity building of PRIs in the DRR 
Two days workshop on capacity building of PRIs in DRR was conducted. The workshop was held at District Administrative Centre, Gangtok on 17th and 18th of August. The workshop was attended by 41 PRIs including Zilla Adhyaksha as the Chairperson and Upadhyaksha.
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