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Knowledge Networking


Knowledge Networking is foreseen as an initiative to establish networks and partnership among prime government agencies, policy makers, disaster managers and specialists from allied fields of engineering, architecture, planning, seismology, hydrology, agriculture and social science to exchange information and working together to reduce the risk of disaster. The initiative aims to connect all government departments, statutory agencies, research organizations/institutions to share collectively and individually their expert know-how's. The exchange is facilitated through physical interaction, workshops, documentation of experiences, sharing on World Wide Web Portal. 

In the field of disaster management "knowledge networking" plays key role in terms of providing most needed information at the shortest time and coordinating with line departments at the time of disaster. Knowledge Networking is basically about applying the collective knowledge of the entire workforce to achieve specific organizational goals. It is about facilitating the process by which knowledge is created, shared and utilized to minimize loss of property and lives. 

Networking and knowledge sharing has been initiated between Government, NGOs/CBOs, institutions and stakeholders involved in Disaster Management. 

Sikkim State Disaster Management Authority also has a one stop knowledge centre where important information is put up in this knowledge centre and any individual who needs information can visit one stop knowledge centre

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