Citizen Corner
White Paper on the high intensity earthquake of 18th Sept 2011
Sikkim State Disaster Management Plan 2022
Seismic Vulnerability study of the various lifeline building (schools and hospitals) in Gangtok town, based on Rapid Visual Screening
PMs 10 point agenda on DRR
Sendai Framework for DRR
Detailed Project Report Mitigation of Mangan Landslide at North District Headquarters Mangan, North Sikkim - India
Declaration of state Disaster 2024
Official Bank account for receiving the CSR fund for Relief Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Flash Flood of Sikkim 2023
14 Digit Form For All Non Regular Employee
NDMA Guidelines on the Incident Response System (IRS)
Sikkim Post Disaster Needs Assessments 2023
Poster Painting Competition for Student 2024
D.R.R Day 2024
DM Act, Govt. of India
DM Act, Govt. of Sikkim
DM Policies
DM Rules
SDRF and NDRF Norms 2022-2026
News And Events
Covid-19 Notification
Self Attestation
National Policy on Disaster Management-2009
National Disaster Management Plan, 2019
NDMA Guidelines
Useful Links
National Disaster Management Authority
National Institute of Disaster Management
United Nations Development Programme, India
Ministry of Home Affairs
Indian Meteorological Department
India Disaster Knowledge Network
South Asia Disaster Knowledge Network
Alerting Humanitarians to Emergencies

Flash Flood
Flash floods are short-term events,
occurring within 6 hours of the causative event (heavy rainfall, dam break,
levee failure and rapid snowmelt) and often within 2 hours of the start of high
intensity rainfall. A flash flood is characterized by a rapid stream rise with
depxhs of water that can reach well above the banks of the river, carrying with
it large amounts of debris and causing high damage due to its suddenness. Flash
flood damage and most fatalities tend to occur in areas immediately adjacent to
the river where they weaken the soil and cause mud slides, damaging homes,
roads and property.
rainfall and landslides upstream can cause flash floods downstream. Since
Sikkim receives a high amount of annual rainfall, especially during the monsoons
and landslides occur frequently, flash floods are a common phenomenon and pose
a constant threat to life and property. Also the presence of large dams in
Sikkim, poses a great danger of flash floods in case of dam breakage.